Our Features

Testing, Assessment and Feedback Mechanism

Our devotion at PCMB Classes has resulted in this unique academic revolution, the CBSE Mock Test Series. The Mock test series has our students a remarkable edge over others. Mock Test series tune students to the actual exam conditions and develop a competitive spirit in them to meet success in CBSE Exams. PCMB Classes Test Series includes the following types of test papers as per the latest pattern of CBSE Examination:

Chapter Wise Minor Tests

PCMB Classes conducts chapter-wise tests after the completion of each chapter, making sure that every student is aware of how much he/she has learned in that topic. If a child finds that she/he is weak in a particular topic then he/she an immediately take remedial doubt solving sessions at weekends with the best teachers.

Full Syllabus Major Tests

We organize 5 mock tests (Full syllabus major tests) of each subject after the entire syllabus is covered in our regular classes, it helps students to prepare for their final exams.

IN Mock test series, students are exposed to real exam like scenario, which helps them to control the nervousness during exams, they also work on reading time management, overall time management & presentation skills.

After each mock test, correction is done according to CBSE guidelines & doubt removal classes are organized. In these classes, the standard answer to each question is explained. Students are taught to write all the steps while solving the questions.

To get feedback about their ward's performance, the parent can meet the faculty on any day, with prior appointment

Regular Parent Teacher Meeting

When a student starts studying at any educational institute, there are few major concerns and questions in the minds of most parents, such as, How their ward is performing? How is he/she coping in the class? Etc. To address all such queries of the parents, there is a parent-teacher meeting at regular intervals to update them regarding their ward's performance.

Special Individual Doubt Clearing Sessions

While preparing for CBSE Exams, in addition to classroom lectures, there are times during or after self-study, when a student feels the need for individual attention for revision or doubt solving of specific questions/problems in a particular topic or subject. For addressing this specific need of the student and for solving all these problems, special doubt clearing sessions are organized every Sunday, where a dedicated set of faculty members of each subject is available round the year for clearing doubts of the students.
